bodo was here!

It is great that so many colleagues had a heart for bodo at the beginning of this year and donated diligently. On 7 March 2022, we were once again able to hand over many donations in kind and a cheque for a total of 1,300 euros to Tanja Walter from BoDo e.V.

Not only the homeless from Bochum and Dortmund will be provided with donations in kind. Everything that does not make sense for BoDo or is already sufficiently available there will be passed on to local organisations that are currently providing aid to the Ukraine, for example. Thus, indirectly, a part of the donations in kind goes to the people in the war zone who are currently suffering so much.

So everything goes to those in need and that is entirely in the spirit of the donors.

Many thanks again to all who participated!


Stefan Erkelenz          Jeanette Krippendorf          Ina Krebs


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