Human resource development

Our world is constantly changing and so are our professional actions. To ensure that our employees are always up to date, personnel development is an essential part of our group and thus also firmly anchored in our corporate culture. We work every day to maintain and expand our employees' ability to act and therefore also the future viability of the…

In addition to individual further and advanced training measures, we also place great emphasis on further training as a collective. For example, the division managers of our group of companies jointly participate in a series of seminars that further expand and strengthen their competences as managers and are geared to the growing labour market conditions.

But it is not only our employees at the company locations who are promoted. We also pay special attention to the personal and professional development of our site managers, fitters and those who work for us on the construction sites every day!

For this purpose, we have developed special further training programmes that are oriented towards the needs of our employees.

In addition to digitalisation topics, we also promote the refreshment of relevant knowledge and empower our employees for the future!

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